Darkshade Caverns II

Darkshade Caverns II

Base Game

Minimum Level 42

20 minutes

Siltreen, Deshaan

What Was Lost

These caves have the distinction of being the most famous kwama mines in Deshaan. Dark Elves consider kwama eggs a delicacy, and those harvested from Darkshade Caverns are particularly prized by Dunmeri gourmets.  


Grubull the Transmuted

To defeat Grubull the Transmuted, the key is to be quick on your feet and avoid the hard-hitting AOE attacks when the boss teleports near you. The tank should focus on aggroing the larger mobs while the rest of the team gathers close and uses AOE abilities to take down the smaller adds alongside the larger one. Once the adds are eliminated, the boss will drop to the ground and it's time for all-out DPS on the boss. If you are the tank or healer, make sure to have a DPS set up on bar 2 to maximize damage. However, be prepared for the boss to reshield and repeat the mechanics again.

The Engine Guardian

To defeat The Engine Guardian, you should stay around the middle and attack the boss from afar during the Red Phase, avoiding ground AOEs and staying close to the healer. In the Green Phase, everyone should stay close together and the healer should keep everyone healthy while continuing to damage the boss. Alternatively, you can use the levers in the middle of the room to stop the poison damage. During the White Phase, stay away from the boss to avoid high damage ticks. Throughout the fight, three Dwarven Sphere adds will spawn. Use Line of Sight via the pillars to lure them close and have the tank aggro them while the team focuses on AOE or single-target damage. Once the adds are dead, resume damaging the boss. Melee players can focus on killing the adds, but they can also get close to the boss during the poison and fire phases if they have self-healing or ways to protect themselves.

The Fallen Foreman

To defeat The Fallen Foreman, start by focusing on killing all the adds at the beginning of the fight. Make sure to interrupt the Bosses spell and have the tank stay on her while everyone else takes care of the adds. It is important to be aware of the Boss's Fire cone attack, which rotates clockwise. If you are the tank or melee, follow behind it or run ahead of it. For everyone else, make sure to stay out of range, and consider standing on the stairs for safer positioning.

Transmuted Alit

To defeat the Transmuted Alit, have the tank aggro all three Alits and block their heavy attacks. The rest of the team should focus on using area-of-effect DPS to quickly kill all three Alits. It is important to kill them within a short period of time, as if one dies and the others are not killed quickly, the dead Alit will revive with low HP. However, if they come back to life, they will quickly drop again. If you are attempting a speed run, remember that it is not necessary to kill this boss.

Transmuted Hive Lord

To defeat the Transmuted Hive Lord, as the tank, block the boss's heavy hits and be cautious of the two adds that can incapacitate you and drain your stamina. You can either ignore the adds and focus on the boss, breaking free if knocked down, or kill the adds first and then attack the boss. If the adds burrow, the boss gains a damage shield and unleashes AOE damage, which can only be stopped by dealing enough damage to break the shield. Therefore, prioritize DPS on the boss to break the shield and continue the fight normally.

Waves of Mech Mobs

To defeat waves of mech mobs, position yourself by the river's edge and pull the first group. As the fight progresses, a Centurion and a pack of additional enemies will attack, followed by the next pack and so on. The tank should focus on taunting and holding aggro on the Centurion and the Dwarven Spheres, while the rest of the team should prioritize DPS to quickly eliminate all enemies. It is crucial to kill them swiftly to avoid facing multiple Centurions, as they are extremely powerful. In such a situation, the best strategy is to employ AOE DPS to maximize damage on all targets.

Gear Sets

Netch's Touch   Light Armor
Strength of the Automaton   Medium Armor
Armor of Truth   Heavy Armor
Engine Guardian   Monster Helm Sets


Darkshade Caverns II Vanquisher   10 points
Darkshade Caverns II Conqueror   10 points
Deadly Engineer   50 points
Veteran Construct Slayer   10 points
Veteran Kwama Slayer II   10 points
Darkshade Caverns II Survivor   50 points
Darkshade Caverns II Assassin   50 points
